A new adaptation of the beloved Arabian fairy tale about Aladdin. In this version of the story, Aladdin is a Russian guard Alyosha, who by chance ends up in a distant country, where he receives this name and, of course, finds his princess - the magnificent Budur. Genie is a woman in this story, and the flying carpet is the cabin of the plane.
Oskar Kuchera
Ani Lorak
Andrii Danylko
Oleg Basilashvili
Yuriy Stoyanov
Elena Vorobey
Yuriy Galtsev
Efim Shifrin
Nikolay Baskov
Lolita Milyavskaya
Giya Gagua
Filipp Kirkorov
Sergey Lazarev
Anna Semenovich
Anastasiya Stotskaya
Sergey Zverev
Obid Asomov
Timur Kerimov
Soso Pavliashvili
Boris Smolkin
Nikolay Bandurin
Vladimir Moiseenko
Vladimir Danilets
Sergey Chavanov
Igor Kasilov
Pierre Narcisse
Igor Mamenko
Alexey Ryzhov
Alexey Serov
Nikolay Timofeyev
Dasha German
Valery Li
Anastasia Kobzeva