Two years have passed since the first infected walked the earth and the corn virus has spread across the globe. A group of survivors fight their way through a zombie infested world to reach a sanctuary named Homestead that can be their only hope for survival.
Angel Nichole Bradford
Melissa Heflin
Dan Severn
Chanda Rawlings
David J. Paul
Hunter Redfern
Chloe Lutz
Casey Wayne Hupp
Kellen DeRuy
Gwyneviere Ray
Conor Wayne Hupp
Christopher Korek
Beth Metcalf
Christopher Kahler
Delilah Hefner
Chris Ness
Remya Kightlinger
Kelsey Ann Baker
Rudy Ledbetter
Alain Marche
Rick Pasquale
Andrew Clark
M.G. Knecht
Trisha Nicole Bagby
Toby Willard
Jayme Schmitt
Arsenic Nic
Kelly Marks
Ronald A. Black
Joseph Imbus
Averi Curtis