The story of "The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon" centers on a Pokémon scientist who has developed a new Mirage System to resurrect extinct Pokémon. Satoshi, Haruka, Masato, and Takeshi show up at the Mirage Mansion for a demonstration of this new machine, only to witness the kidnapping of the scientist! Then a mysterious stranger appears and claims that the machine can actually create Pokémon without weaknesses. It’s up to Satoshi and company to preserve the natural balance of the Pokémon world.
Rica Matsumoto
Ikue Otani
Yuji Ueda
Fushigi Yamada
Unsho Ishizuka
Mayumi Izuka
Megumi Hayashibara
Shin'ichirō Miki
Inuko Inuyama
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Yuriko Yamaguchi
Chinami Nishimura
Tomoe Hanba
Katsuyuki Konishi
Satomi Korogi