Tomas, a 14-year-old boy lives beneath the castle of the powerful Lord Balador. The boy is able to communicate with animals, and he tries to obtain the royal falcon – a symbol of freedom and faith. He also falls in love with Balador's daughter Formina, a girl who is to be married off against her will.
Braňo Holiček
Juraj Kukura
Klára Jandová
Jiří Langmajer
Jaroslav Žvásta
Waldemar Kownacki
Ľuboš Kostelný
Ľudovít Cittel
Juan Manuel Bonet
Sándor Téri
Agnieszka Wagner
Andrej Mojžiš
Lucia Baráthová
Erik Peťovský
Marta Sládečková
Vladimír Jedľovský