Coming Attractions is a short film consisting of 4 interlinked fake movie trailers, each done in a different style. The first, 'The Restaurateur' is the story of a restaurant owner forced to return to a life of crime. The second, 'V-Squad' follows a quintet of sexy female assassins recruited by a government agency to battle organized crime. The third, 'La Venganza del Diablo Azul' features the luchador El Diablo Azul revived from the dead to seek revenge against those who murdered his family, and the fourth and final trailer, 'V-Squad Part 2' returns to the V-Squad as they face an army of vicious extra-terrestrial mutants.
Sarah Cody
Karin Kehoe
Mia Internicola-Jaillet
Dakota Cornell
Michael Ian Farrell
Bronson Kidd
Estelle Norris
Robin Thompson
Desiree Zantolas
Danielle Chambers
Tamy Beauregard
Denise Brown
Jesse Cattle
Graham Caverhill
Kelcy Clark
Debra Easton
Jem Elsner
Michael Glover
Solange Gomez
Ken Gordon
Jesse Harris
Emily Horne
Byron Kjeldsen
Troy Lemberg
Starr Levesque
Edson Lopez
Dan Luchin
Josh Miller
Pedro Miranda
Tanya Miranda
Christine Newton
Tyler Pantella
Jason Robertson
Guillermo Ruiz
Brian Simmons
Chris Tihor
Christopher Vickers
Vinny Walleen
Jeremy Wike