The second installment of the low-budget parody of Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings", filmed in and around Moscow. The Fellowship is broken. To get to Mordor, Frodo and Sam have to employ the services of Gollum, an obviously schizophrenic creature (according to Sam's medical handbook). Meanwhile Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli have to free two captive hobbits from Sarumom's evil clutches. Together with the depressive king Theoden they have to confront her host at Helm's Crap.
Vladimir Alimin
Alexandra Antonenko
Polina Artsis
Polina Bykova
Anton Filyushkin
Anna Kazanskaya
Diana Latysheva
Marina Podkhodtseva
Svetlana Putrenko
Ivan Serebryannikov
Viktor Strigun
Elsa Yaskovskaya