Freddy is a young man who is confronting the reality of assuming his life as an adult, before his partner and society. With this pressure on his back, he begins to take the journey that will allow him to complete his search: a job stability that satisfies him. Thanks to a friend, Freddy acquires a motorcycle without papers, hoping to find a job as a delivery driver that will allow him to move forward. With the motorcycle, his search for freedom, independence and manhood begins, but at the same time the machine becomes the permanent burden of his life.
Alfredo Soto
Jussepe Nuñez
Eunice Flores
Richard Aranda
Jorge Godoy
Federico Alvarez
Ariel Arnez
Maria de los Angeles Figueroa
Ricardo Vera
Aida Jimenez
José Antonio Fernández
Alejandra Ayala
Alexander Amurrio
Noe Frederic Makon Bion