A Life Less Gone explores the emotionally and physically dysfunctional existences of two conflicted lives in different strata of the drug world. A young girl, struggling with her own identity finds solace in a friend who leads them both down the destructive path of drug abuse, and self-deprecation. While an undercover narcotics officer struggling with the death of his ten-year-old son, and the deterioration of his failing marriage, finds love in the comfort of a heroin-addicted exotic dancer
Tracy Rae
Johnny Santiago
Aiden Simko
Kevin Carroll
Chris Collingham
Ryan DiFrancesco
Michel Girouard
Aleem Jindani
Nick Lupish
Chelsea Chowenv
Chelsea Logan
Tim Beers
Robert Cave
Chelsea Logan
Jennifer Gautier
Ky Gratton
Oyinkan Laseinde
Andrea Nettleton