Events in the film take place in 19 century when adyghean people increasingly realised the need for combining their forces. This theme is reflected in conflict of Dzhambot, wise tutor of young adyghean nobles, and prince Yedidzh, who upholds the idea of independent specific princedoms. Film recreates the atmosphere of adyghean life. Scenario is based on first adyghean books, etnographical drawings and tales of old.
Zaur Zekhov
Nurbiy Achmiz
Vadim Misostov
Kanshoubi Khashev
Marina Guchetl'
Zyret Kobleva
Chatib Paranyk
Akhmed Vorkozhokov
Fatimet Kyrashinova
Murat Kykan
Svetlana Berzegova
Yuriy Chich
Aslan Varpok
Teychezh Takaho
Sofya Tlebzy
Aslan Khakuy
Tembot Achmiz
Nal'byi Guchetl'
Sal'byi Pseynok
Layrkan Kuyok
Aliy Kukan
Saida Khakurinova
Bela Kuyok
Svetlana Achmiz