A comedy mystery involving the composer and cartoonist Hubert Yrhage, the journalist Gary Lundberg, anticartoon campaigner Lena Lett, the mysterious Jens Myskovich and music publisher Darling Karlsson. Yrhage receives his manuscripts from an 11 year-old whose inspiration comes from the mysterious events at a boarding house where several of the characters stay.
Povel Ramel
Sven Lindberg
Harriet Andersson
Douglas Håge
Georg Rydeberg
Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt
Ingrid Thulin
Lissi Alandh
Elsa Prawitz
Marianne Löfgren
Olle Pettersson
Curt Löwgren
Gull Natorp
Signe Wirff
Olof Sandborg
Agda Helin
Hanny Schedin
Margit Andelius
Mona Geijer-Falkner
Birger Åsander
Gösta Prüzelius
Hans Sackemark
Sven Holmberg
Astrid Bodin
Mille Schmidt
Marianne Nielsen
Per-Axel Arosenius
Ragnar Klange
Julie Bernby
Karl-Axel Forssberg
Olle Ekbladh
Viola Sundberg
Carl Andersson
David Stein