Josh Holden plays a hit-man, who is hired to off a scientist who is working on a cell regeneration formula. The hit-man (who Holden later named Angus, and made a side story for him) injects the scientist with his own formula, which kills him. However, neither the hit-man or the greedy company that hired him know the full extent of the formula. We're about to see the results.
Richard Buathier
Boots the Cat
Ryan Leo Coat
Zac Crawford
Amy Davis
Rick Davis
Timothy Dedgedly
Brian Falsename
Mark-Anthony Garcia
Jon Girrard
Chalene Harp
Josh Holden
Kyle Johnson
Marie Junior
Keith Munden
Mandy Nedgedly
Timoth Nedgedly
Shanna Norcross
Jessica Ostheimer
Poopers the Dog
Timothy Rapp
Aarron Robers
Corey Ruthsatz
Nikki Solis
Rob Stanley
Bri Thomas
Josh Winkle