Earl Clancy, a cinema owner on the edge, battles a series of disasters while juggling personal turmoil and the chaos of a packed Friday night crowd -- Told in real time over the course of the movie playing in the cinema.
Colin Morgan
Calam Lynch
Clara Crichton
India Mullen
Niamh Cusack
Stanley Townsend
Elaine O'Dwyer
Daniel Woodage
Liam O'Brien
Ryan Burke
Cos Egan
Andrew Bennett
Tracey Collopy
Aidan Crowe
Sean Shinners
Ollie Ryan
Samual Duggan
Jonty Ross
Mikey Casey
Stuart Mackey
Illir Tobin
Lonan Ross
Michael O’Dwyer
Gavin McGrath
John O’Sullivan
Ian Dillion
Ava Ross
Keeley Hartigan
Ciara Hennessy
Alex O’Brien
Mary T Lynch
Glenn Keating
Matthew Hogan
Pete Moles
Cillian Ò Muroche
Christopher Garvy
Joseph Coleman