Razzle Dazzle follows the eager members of "Mr. Jonathon's Dance Academy" who, with their unique dance routines, compete for Grand Final success at Australia's most prestigious competition. Amidst parental politics, petty rivalry, creative controversy and the hysterics of pushy stage mothers, the film takes you behind the glamor and the glitter to a world where, sometimes, winning is everything!
Ben Miller
Kerry Armstrong
Shayni Notelovitz
Denise Roberts
Sheridan Rynne
Kerry-Ann Thoo
Anastasia Bertinshaw
Lauren Elton
Taylor Anthony
Veronica Koprivnjak
Becky Mamo
Samantha Hagen
Shayarne Matheson
Ivy Negre
Caitlin Rawnsley
Clancy Ryan
Sallyanne Ryan
Carolyn Wilson
Steve Le Marquand
Tara Morice
Jane Hall
Briden Starr
Ashleigh Cummings
Keiynan Lonsdale
Isabel Durant
Roy Billing
Robin Ince
Nadine Garner
Toni Lamond
Scott Irwin
Damon Gameau
Eliza Logan
Belinda Stewart-Wilson
Beth Champion
Deborah Galanos
Amelia Ashton
Rachel Gordon
Scott Johnson
Helmut Bakaitis
Paul Mercurio
Andrew McFarlane
Susie Lindeman
Leo Sayer
Michael Peschard
Lisa Hensley