When a successful investment banker unexpectedly returns to her childhood home after an illicit work incident, her overbearing and doting mother is wary of her sudden arrival. A tragic and comical culture clash of a mother and daughter forced to get to know each other again.
Mona Monyane
Clementine Mosimane
Faith Baloyi
Pacou Bola
Loyiso Gola
Emily Govender
George Kuda
Kagiso Latane
Ntosh Madlingozi
Nupi Makhobo
Barileng Malebye
Kudi Maradzika
Tsholofelo Maseko
Tshepi Mashego
Bathabile Mashigo
Gareth Meijson
Kefilwe Mello
Tinah Mnumzana
Don Mosenye
Masello Motana
Lethabo Mpoko
Percy Mthunzi
Nyeleti Ndubane
Moditle Pholo
Seputla Sebogodi
Mpho Sewela
Kedibone Tholo Manyaka