Shin, an ordinary and unremarkable college student, must don the mask of justice as the new Samyan-Man, stepping into the role of the previous Samyan-Man who mysteriously disappeared a decade ago. However, the return of this new Samyan-Man brings an unseen threat to the community, putting its safety at risk once again.
Narayon Ngernsrisuk
Chadanis Kongsumrit
Piyanat Yooprasertchai
Siraphop Rinchumphoo
Pimchutimat Kuruphanpakdee
Nichaphat Wongsuwan
Panatchakorn Siriruang
Punna Malakul Na Ayudhya
Natthabodin Bunsong
Pornchai Suphapongsawat
Jakkaphat Rungsang