Beatrice, a jaded film editor, works late on her latest project when her computer glitches, showing films she didn't edit. Aided by a mysterious figure, she must unravel the secret of these cursed films in this darkly comedic anthology.
Bianco Mio
Nathan Daniel Goldberg
Diego Andres Rodriguez
Owen Lawrence
Molly Cesanek
Ezekiel Snyder
Will Chehab
Nicola Troschinetz
Nick Alexander
Somya Jha
Oliver Boomer
Jill Pierangeli
Henry Crater
Max Newman
Caleb McArthur
Ryo Kamibayashi
Abigail Labbe
Hadley Gorsline
Natasha Rodriguez
Anna Chen
Cole McCarthy
Noah Michael Johnson
Landon Wouters
Sabrina Lahlou
Brett Smith
Stephanie Michelle Gurnoe
Jake Primak