In The Last Words: The Plot Thickens, Fie’s crew faces escalating betrayal, greed, and revenge as Atlanta’s streets grow deadlier. Detectives Walker and Webb investigate a staged murder tied to Lingo’s operations, uncovering a deeper conspiracy. Tasha, used in a deadly setup, outsmarts Bino and Flame in a tense showdown, proving she’s not one to be underestimated. KT escapes brutal captivity, turning the tables on his captors while urgently seeking to reconnect with the crew. Kalani steps into high-stakes negotiations with dangerous rivals, balancing her loyalty to Fie with her survival instincts as distrust mounts. Rival factions, led by Lingo and 50 Cal, make calculated moves to dismantle Fie’s empire, pushing the crew to the brink. Meanwhile, Detectives Hurts and Webb uncover corruption within their precinct, complicating their pursuit of justice. As alliances crumble and secrets are exposed, survival becomes the ultimate prize.
Frederick Woodard
Antonio Finley
Antonio Poohdalini Pipkins
Denise Pretty Pynni Keaton
Vincent John
Jano Jones
Willie Davis IV
Honto Valerio
Xica Brewer
Marleen Proctor
Preston Houseworth
Tremaine Sturdivant
Marcy White
Anisah Turner
Gregory Bernard
Ricky Alonzo
Tanesha Price
Marcus Tower
Cj Parker
Vladimir Beck
O'Niesha Laurent
Marcus Willis
Marquis Jenkins
Marilyn Richardson
Farah White
Andre Tha Real Kayas Nicklas
Jailyn Carlyle
Brittany Williams
Chan McGhie
Sierra Jordan
Gary Weston Jr
Desmond Ramsey
Malcolm Ford
Jeffrey Bigg Jigg Thurston
Danielle Finley Moore
Khameron Taylor
DeMarcus Jackson
Antoinette Tucker