In a corner of the world rarely mentioned, Princess Sophia is the sole heir to the kingdom of Preanna. After the death of her mother she seeks freedom from her father, an insidious King driven mad by grief. A war brews in the neighboring nation of Nantio as violent revolutionaries stand against Preanna and the royal guard. Sophia endeavors to break the chain of tyranny rooted in her home country and her father's dictatorship.
Jess Kennedy
Brydi Frances
Charles Jazz Terrier
Paul Tucker
Emma Burnside
Michael Loder
Christian Charisiou
Matt Testro
Steve Durber
Kaela Daffara
Roy Barker
Kirsty O'Connor
Khisraw Jones-Shukoor
Maximillian Johnson
Victor Gralak
Georgie Jennings
Bryce Padovan