Set in Venice during the Renaissance, the drama centres on Bassanio, a young nobleman who would like to court the beautiful Portia but doesn‘t have the money to travel to her country estate, so he asks the merchant Antonio for help. Antonio‘s wealth is tied up in maritime trade but he offers to procure the sum Bassanio needs from the Jewish money lender Shylock. Shylock hates Antonio for being so contemptuous in his treatment of Jews, and therefore stipulates that if the debt is not repaid within three months, the penalty will be a pound of Antonio‘s own flesh...
Christopher Ainslie
Charles Workman
Adrian Clarke
Jason Bridges
Adrian Eröd
Kathryn Lewek
Magdalena Anna Hofmann
Verena Gunz
Hanna Herfurtner
Norman Patzke
David Stout
Juliusz Kubiak