The Director of an international banknote printing institute, mutilated by the face of the Great War, Frank Davres, falls in love with a young woman, Jeanne, admirably beautiful, but blind. He marries her. For her, he ruins himself and comes to issue counterfeit banknotes. The young woman does everything to make people forget her infirmity. One day, following an operation, she recovers her sight and notices the physical and moral ugliness of her husband. She hides her cure until the day when Frank, taken by the police, kills one of his accomplices and commits suicide. Jeanne leaves to join a friend with whom she was performing in a circus.
Erich von Stroheim
Madeleine Sologne
Louis Salou
Jean-Jacques Delbo
Margo Lion
Yves Vincent
Claudine Dupuis
Pierre Labry
Georges Vitray
George Cusin
Marcel Mérovée
Gustave Gallet
Annette Poivre
Eugène Frouhins
Denise Benoit
Jean-Paul Moulinot
Dora Doll
Howard Vernon
Maurice Devienne
Bill Bocket
Paul Delauzac
Yves Deniaud
Jean Gabert
Line Renaud