The film follows the news of the illness of the institute's department head, Professor Abdulla, spreading throughout the institute with lightning speed. Shamil, who hears from Dr. Mamish that his condition is absolutely critical, begins to prepare an obituary for Professor Abdulla, and even appeals to other officials to have himself appointed to his position.
Afag Bashirgizi
Yashar Nuri
Ilham Namig Kamal
Hadji Ismailov
Farhad Israfilov
Saida Guliyeva
Azər Mirzəyev
Vahid Aliyev
Rafael Isgenderov
Hajibaba Mammadov
Afət Ağayeva
Gurban Masimov
Elman Rafiyev
Arif Gasimov
Arif Karimov
Aligulu Samadov
Firudin Bağıroğlu
Firuzə İsmayılova
Ramiz Axundzadə
Aygun Kazimova