The postman delivers a package with a dragon's head to Kazim who watches Alfred Hitchcock's films, to Zahra who reads fortunes with a computer, to Gariba who makes toys, to director Jahangir, to police chief Seifullah, and calls each of them to come to the address mentioned in the letter with the dragon's head. Those who arrive at the address called along with the dragon's head realize that the "postman", is actually their relative, who has gathered together guests who have not seen each other for a long time.
Sayavush Aslan
Yashar Nuri
Cahangir Novruzov
Afag Bashirgizi
Hadji Ismailov
Sadagat Dadashova
Mabud Maharramov
Telman Adigozalov
Nuriya Ahmadova
Ramiz Mammadov
Alasgar Mammadoglu
Alakbar Huseynov
Ramiz Hasanoghlu
Tariyel Vəliyev