The Homecoming Friends recall Christmases long, long ago, while showcasing familiar Christmas Carols and new Gaither-penned songs like "Come And See What's Happenin'." The Old Friends Quartet fronted by Jake Hess and George Younce makes its debut, and Bill pays tribute to the pioneers of Southern Gospel music. "What A Wonderful World," performed by Russ Taff, is dedicated to the memory of Homecoming regular Bob Cain.
Bill Gaither
Ivan Parker
Buddy Mullins
Howard Goodman
Vestal Goodman
Johnny Minick
Guy Penrod
Jake Hess
David Phelps
Buddy Greene
George Younce
Gene McDonald
Jessy Dixon
Mark Lowry
Kim Hopper
TaRanda Greene
Russ Taff
Terry Blackwood
Lisa Daggs
Squire Parsons
Ladye Love Smith
Ann Downing
Sarah DeLane
Jack Toney
Woody Wright
Mike Allen
Glenn Dustin
Babbie Mason
Amber Thompson
Kelly Nelon Clark
Stephen Hill
Janet Paschal
Jeff Easter
Sheri Easter
Charlotte Ritchie
Donnie Sumner
Lana Ranahan
Bryan Carter