The unflinching tale of Maria, Allan and Steso, who are struggling for survival. Maria is a pusher frau, wandering restlessly among addicts, abusers and bikers in a relentless search for love. Allan has just returned from an ill-fated trip across the Pacific and must reclaim his life and stay clean, but ghosts from his past return to haunt him. Steso, the intellectual, god-forsaken and prophetic cynic, does his utmost to unite the two polar opposites that give meaning to his life: his girl and drugs. All three try desperately to make some sense of the madness, but how do you find meaning in the chaos that is life? And how do you find love if you can't recognize it?
Signe Egholm Olsen
Claus Riis Østergaard
Thure Lindhardt
Farshad Kholghi
Thomas L. Corneliussen
Pernille Vallentin
Søs Egelind
Lars Mikkelsen
Rudi Køhnke
Paw Henriksen
Nanna Berg
Signe Vaupel
Joakim Malling
Finn Storgaard
Maria Stenz
Kirsten Norholt
Mark Hoppe
Rasmus Møller Lauritsen
Stanislav Sevcik
Nils P. Munk
Priscilla S. Rasmussen
Barbara Hesselager
Benjamin Boe Rasmussen
Stephanie Fiomo
Mehrdad Zamani