Frank is a restless young man in his late twenties whose life revolves around his friends and his work. When he becomes involved with Ruby, her optimistic and fresh approach to life and its problems begins to have a dramatic effect on him.
Aidan Gillen
Kate Ashfield
Dean Lennox Kelly
Tobias Menzies
Rupert Procter
Samantha Power
Dena Smiles
Alicya Eyo
Adam Buxton
Joe Cornish
Martin Freeman
Maggie Lloyd Williams
Agnieszka Liggett
Paula Hamilton
Dorian Lough
Clint Dyer
Rachel Isaac
Elliot Levey
Liz Liew
Michael McKell
Alex Palmer
Vass Anderson
Alysha Westlake
Anthony Warren
Paul Dungworth
Barry Dobbin
Michael Hodgson