This day-in-the-life cult comedy focuses on a group of friends working at Sully Boyar's Car Wash in the Los Angeles ghetto. The team meets dozens of eccentric customers -- including a smooth-talking preacher, a wacky cab driver and an ex-convict -- while cracking politically incorrect jokes to a constant soundtrack of disco and funk. Some of the workers find romance as the day moves along, but most are just happy to get through another shift.
Ivan Dixon
DeWayne Jessie
Bill Duke
Franklyn Ajaye
Sully Boyar
Melanie Mayron
June Pointer
Bonnie Pointer
Anita Pointer
Ruth Pointer
Lauren Jones
Richard Brestoff
Tracy Reed
Antonio Fargas
James Spinks
Clarence Muse
Darrow Igus
Leon Pinkney
Ren Woods
Jack Kehoe
Raymond Vitte
Pepe Serna
Henry Kingi
Leonard Jackson
Michael Fennell
George Carlin
Irwin Corey
Garrett Morris
Arthur French
Richard Pryor
Erin Blunt
Janine Williams
Lorraine Gary
Ricky Fellen
Carmine Caridi
Otis Sistrunk
Derek Schultz
Cynthia Hamowy
Antonie Becker
Tim Thomerson
Mike Slaney
Antar Mubarak
Reginald Farmer
Al Stellone
Jason Bernard
Ed Metzger
Ben Frommer
Jay Butler
Sarina C. Grant
Billy Bass