A wealthy executive, Drew Latham (Ben Affleck) has no close relationships and becomes nostalgic for his childhood home as Christmas approaches. When he visits the house and finds another family living there, he offers the residents, Tom Valco (James Gandolfini) and his wife, Christine (Catherine O'Hara), a large sum of money to pretend they are his parents. Soon Drew tests the couple's patience, and, when their daughter, Alicia (Christina Applegate), arrives, things get increasingly tense.
Ben Affleck
James Gandolfini
Christina Applegate
Catherine O'Hara
Josh Zuckerman
Bill Macy
Jennifer Morrison
Udo Kier
David Selby
Stephanie Faracy
Stephen Root
Sy Richardson
Tangie Ambrose
John 'B.J.' Bryant
Peter Jason
Phill Lewis
Kate Hendrickson
Bridgette Ho
Hailey Noelle Johnson
Sean Marquette
Caitlin Fein
Amanda Fein
Kent Osborne
Bill Saito
Mike Bell
Amy Halloran
Josh Siegel
K. Troy Zestos
Sonya Eddy
Ron Karabatsos
Wynn Irwin
Angela Gacad
Tom Kenny
Joan Blair
John Carter Brown
William Thomas, Jr.
Karen Furno
Melanie Taylor
David Atkinson
Linda Kerns
Precious McCall
Reynaldo Duran
Cynthia Marty
Anika Noni Rose
Michael Kosik
Jon Simanton
Allison Queal
Kacie Borrowman