Jerry, Connie, and Franky are small-town girls seeking wealthy husbands in New York City. But, while Connie and Franky are reckless with their affections — one bedding a married man and the other marrying a scoundrel — Jerry is determined to remain practical. As she mothers her wounded, heartbroken friends, she stalwartly but foolishly resists the advances of the good-hearted and affluent Tony Jardine.
Joan Crawford
Anita Page
Dorothy Sebastian
Robert Montgomery
Raymond Hackett
John Miljan
Hedda Hopper
Albert Conti
Edward Brophy
Robert Emmett O'Connor
Martha Sleeper
Gwen Lee
Mary Doran
Catherine Moylan
Norma Drew
Claire Dodd
Walda Mansfield
Polly Ann Young
Oscar Apfel
Ann Dvorak
Louise Beavers