The films stormy action revolves around the life and death rivalry between two gangs. Ceasar, an ex-lawyer convicted of malpractice is now a spoiled gigolo thriving in the Paris underworld. After kidnapping the beautiful seductress (Marilyn Lamour), he exposes her to his perverted passion which she soon embraces with ravenous lust.
Olinka Hardiman
Gabriel Pontello
Danielle Altenburger
Jean-Pierre Armand
Marianne Aubert
Dominique Aveline
Dany Berger
Alban Ceray
Olivia Flores
Dominique Irissou
Gil Lagardère
Christian Mazagran
Cathy Ménard
Obaya Roberts
Dominique Saint Claire
Patricia Santos
Hélène Shirley
Flore Sollier
Piotr Stanislas
Richard Lemieuvre
Claudia van Statt