Light Yagami finds the "Death Note," a notebook with the power to kill, and decides to create a Utopia by killing the world's criminals, and soon the world's greatest detective, "L," is hired to find the mysterious murderer. An all out battle between the two greatest minds on earth begins and the winner will control the world.
Tatsuya Fujiwara
Kenichi Matsuyama
Asaka Seto
Shigeki Hosokawa
Erika Toda
Shunji Fujimura
Takeshi Kaga
Yuu Kashii
Shido Nakamura
Sota Aoyama
Norman England
Godai Michiko
Miyuki Komatsu
Matt Lagan
Sarutoki Minagawa
Hikari Mitsushima
Takeo Nakahara
Ikuji Nakamura
Tatsuhito Okuda
Shin Shimizu
Yoji Tanaka
Masahiko Tsugawa
Hiromi Kanaya
Ryohei Abe
Masanori Fujita
Masanori Mimoto