In the year 2012 historian Raimo Lappalainen wants to illustrate how life was 50 years earlier. He becomes obsessed with the fate of a 1970s nude model Saara Turunen, and finds a perfect actress to reconstruct her life and death in front of a TV camera. Meanwhile, a strike at a nuclear plant is covered up by the media.
Arto Tuominen
Ritva Vepsä
Tarja Markus
Arja Saijonmaa
Eila Pehkonen
Kalle Holmberg
Pekka Streng
Hilkka Kesti
Allan A. Pyykkö
Matti Lehtelä
Ilkka Vanne
Eero Keskitalo
Paavo Jännes
Unto Salminen
Aino Lehtimäki
Jukka Mannerkorpi
Urpo Peltonen
Juhani Jotuni
Anja Toivola
Heikki Hämäläinen
Kristiina Helevä
Esa Vuorinen
Matti Kuortti
Päivi Istala
Erkki Peltomaa