Anthony and Dolores Montelli, along with their four children, move into their dream house in Amityville and are immediately plagued by a string of paranormal experiences. When the abusive Anthony wrongly places the blame on their children, Dolores recruits a local Catholic priest to exorcise the house.
James Olson
Burt Young
Rutanya Alda
Jack Magner
Andrew Prine
Diane Franklin
Moses Gunn
Ted Ross
Erika Katz
Brent Katz
Leonardo Cimino
Danny Aiello III
Gilbert Stafford
Petra Leah
Alan Dellay
Martin Donegan
John Ring
Peter Radon
Lawrence Bolen
Tony Boschetti
John Clohessy
Hollis Granville
Frank Patton III
Kim H. Ornitz
Lindsay Hill
Rudy Jones
Todd Jamie
Ken Smith
Anita Keal
Sondra Lee
Alice Playten
Roger Cudney