Insurance investigator Maindrian Pace and his team lead double-lives as unstoppable car thieves. When a South American drug lord pays Pace to steal 48 cars for him, all but one, a 1973 Ford Mustang, are in the bag. As Pace prepares to rip-off the fastback, codenamed "Eleanor", in Long Beach, he is unaware that his boss has tipped off the police after a business dispute.
H.B. Halicki
Marion Busia
Jerry Daugirda
James McIntyre
George Cole
Ronald Halicki
Markos Kotsikos
Butch Stockton
Phil Woods
Parnelli Jones
Gary Bettenhausen
Jonathan E. Fricke
Hal McClain
J.C. Agajanian
J.C. Agajanian Jr.
Christopher J.C. Agajanian
Billy Englehart
Sak Yamamoto
Anthony Cole
Michael Cole
Mark Cole
Ron Simmons
Don Simmons
Edward Booker
Edward Abrahms
Wally Burr
Maureen Coddington
Cheryl Dunn
Monica Englander
Emily Fladland
Frank Halicki
John Halicki
Nancy Halicki
Rudy Halicki
Edward Havens
Philip Kachaturian
Mel Kenyon
Gary Patterson
Jack Popejoy
Dennis Stouffer
Jack Vacek
Bud Wackeen
Bunny Walsh
Taylor Webb
Jeff Winkless
Terence H. Winkless
Christine Wright