An incompetent boarding school headmaster, Professor Jim Edwards, devises a bizarre plot to raise the profile of his boarding school, and thus save his job, by passing off his bookie's son as a Middle Eastern prince. The headmaster's madcap scheme is further complicated when an official from the Foreign Office arrives and announces that a real prince is to be placed under Edwards supervision, not due to the schools lofty reputation, but that a gang of kidnappers are unlikely to look for the regal child there.
Jimmy Edwards
Arthur Howard
Martita Hunt
Sydney Tafler
Raymond Huntley
Reginald Beckwith
Richard Briers
Vanda Hudson
Melvyn Hayes
Mitch Mitchell
Donald Hewlett
Neil Wilson
Gordon Phillott
John Wilder
Graham Tonbridge
Paul Castaldini
George Pastell
George Selway
Richard Shaw
John Stuart