In this quirky romantic comedy inspired by a true story, an influx of women invade the small town of Herman, Minn., to get their hands on a surplus of bachelors yearning for female companionship. When the persuasive "cry from the heart" of Herman's lonely men becomes a big-time news story, it unwittingly attracts a swarm of single women from 38 states and four different foreign countries, adding 1,500 residents to the tiny hamlet of 485.
Michael O'Keefe
Kevin Chamberlin
Enid Graham
Ann Hamilton
Garth Schumacher
Wally Dunn
Anthony Mockus Sr.
Christina Rouner
Marjorie Rynearson
Kim Sykes
Richard Wharton
Mark Benninghoffen
Suzanne Warmanen
Brian Baumgartner
Hilary Bettis
Eden Bodnar
Frank Crandell
Bob Davis
Matthew Feeney
Tac Fitzgerald
Peggy Flood
Gary Groomes
Wiley Harker
Michelle Hutchison
Barbara Kingsley
Marvette Knight
Kristin Rudrüd
Peter Syvertsen
Rosalie Tenseth
Darla Rothman