This is the story of four French friends: the Greek (an osteopath), Fifi (who lives with his mother), Fortuné (a West Indian) and Freddy (a gambler). They meet up regularly at a Parisian bookmakers’, their favourite haunt. Tired of frittering away the little spare cash they have, they agree to give up gambling. But no sooner have they taken this pledge than Fate intervenes, in the guise of the turf king, Monsieur Paul. The latter persuades the four friends to buy a champion racehorse, not knowing that it is in fact an old nag…
Alain Chabat
Édouard Baer
Philippe Duquesne
Lucien Jean-Baptiste
Vahina Giocante
Sergi López
Gérard Depardieu
Héléna Noguerra
Nozha Khouadra
Abbes Zahmani
Marthe Villalonga
Charles Gérard
Peggy Leray
Xavier Beauvois
Alexis Moncorgé
Gabrielle Atger
Alex Lutz
Valéry Zeitoun
Pierre Ménès
Jérôme Commandeur
Cristiana Réali
Nanou Garcia
Hamza Nourou
Adam Nouru
Victoria Olloqui
Marie Broche
Prescillia Andreani
Nikos Aliagas
Quentin Merabet