In an idyllic Stockholm suburb, 11-year-old Lillebror Ström lives with his mum, dad, sister and grandma. When Alex, his sister, introduces her new boyfriend to the family, only Lillebror and his best pal Jens get suspicious. Is Slim Trim really that nice, and what's the deal with those shady friends of his? Meanwhile Lillebror's daddy Roland has financial troubles. Roland works at the Toy Museum, which is host to a gold exhibition. When the greatest gold heist in national history is exposed, Roland's in trouble, being the only one with access to the secret information about the museum's security system. Lillebror and Jens have to do something.
Kjell Bergqvist
Daniel Bragderyd
Helena Korsvall
Inga Ålenius
David Schlein-Andersen
Karin Bjurström
Rikard Svensson
Ivan Mathias Petersson
Conny Andersson
Svante Grundberg
Gösta Hurtig-Möller
Putte Elgh
Willy Karlsson
Lennart Gustavsson
Helen Vedle
Lena Skogsberg
Christer Flodin
Martin Arwidsson
Jarub Bjurström
Christer Fredriksson
Thomas Lindahl
Johan Nyberg
Christina Rothlin Löfqvist
Lotta Stam
Henrik Tibblin