This Nazi propaganda film tells the story of a young truck driver who is having trouble making ends meet until he is exposed to the teachings of Adolf Hitler, and he joins the S.A., aka Storm Troopers, and manages to convert his father--a former soldier with Marxist leanings--and his girlfriend of the rightness of the Nazi cause.
Heinz Klingenberg
Wera Liessem
Rolf Wenkhaus
Hedda Lembach
Otto Wernicke
Elise Aulinger
Joe Stöckel
Helma Rückert
Fritz Greiner
Magda Lena
Otthein Haas
Adolf Lallinger
Max Weydner
Manfred Kömpel-Pilot
Theo Kaspar
Philipp Weichand
Wastl Witt
Rudolf Frank
Rudolf Kunig