In December of 1944, Lionel Evans, an internationally renowned American conductor, is on a USO tour with his 70-piece symphony orchestra in newly-liberated Belgium. While fleeing from a German counterattack, Evans and his orchestra members are captured by a Panzer division and taken to an old chateau in Luxembourg. Despite orders to execute every prisoner, General Schiller, an avid music lover, commands Evans to give a private concert for him.
Charlton Heston
Maximilian Schell
Kathryn Hays
Leslie Nielsen
Anton Diffring
Linden Chiles
Peter Masterson
Curt Lowens
Neva Patterson
Cyril Delevanti
Gregory Morton
Parley Baer
Dan Frazer
Ed Peck
Paul Birch
Horst Ebersberg
Bill Erwin
Barry Ford
Otis Young