“Rio 2096 – A Story of Love and Fury” is an animated film that portrays the love between an immortal hero and Janaína, the woman he has been in love with for 600 years. As a backdrop to the romance, the feature highlights four phases of Brazilian history: colonization, slavery, the Military Regime and the future, in 2096, when there will be a war for water.
Selton Mello
Camila Pitanga
Rodrigo Santoro
Marcos Cesana
Bemvindo Sequeira
Sérgio Moreno
André Frateschi
Jiddú Pinheiro
Gilles Sabard
Gabriel Lucca Peronne
Gilberto Baroli
Tomás Gomes
Julia Yamaguchi
Carolina Bodanzky Bolognesi
Rogério Brito
Antônio Moreno
Ênio Gonçalves
Roger Hands
Victor Martinez
Luiz Antonio Lobue
Paula Pretta
Pedro Alcântara Machado de Vasconcelos
Rosa Maria Rodrigues Baróli
Camilla Loyolla
André Medina
Henrique Vivi
Thiago Brisolla
Laís Bodanzky