A young student (Mel Lisboa), a literature professor (Felipe Camargo) and a wounded warrior who is always with his face covered (Sergio Marone) are three militants, who are confined in an apartment in Belo Horizonte. There they confront their emotional and political options, involving loyalty, betrayal and desire.
Felipe Camargo
Mel Lisboa
Sergio Marone
Ricardo Pereira
Rômulo Braga
Paulo Marcio Arapuan
Alexandre Vasconcelos
Roberta Maia
Odilon Esteves
Alexandre Sena
Paulo Rezende
Alberto Carvalho
Antonio Caldeira
Carlos Magno Ribeiro
Ana Luiza Alves
Marcelo Casto
Byron O'Neill
Ataíde Braga
Camilo Lélis
Gustavo Wernerck
Waslay Horta
Miro Oliveira