Based on a true story, STOLEN is an emotional thriller about every parent's greatest fear. Kahu Durie - the adopted baby daughter of Maori High Court Judge, Justice Eddie Durie and prominent lawyer, Donna Hall - is snatched at gunpoint as Donna pushes the pram in the street. Nine tense days follow and the nation is gripped by brave television appeals for the baby's safe return. Following Donna Hall's emotional public plea, a letter arrives, demanding the highest ransom in New Zealand's history. The police work tirelessly and the net closes on a secluded house...Terence Traynor became intent on committing a perfect crime, motivated by greed and inspired by American TV.
Miriama Smith
Scott Wills
George Henare
Nick Blake
Jezella Gilbert
Mark Ruka
Maria Walker
Te Kohe Tuhaka
Peter Hambleton
Roz Turnbull
Miriama McDowell
Fraser Brown
Jason Hoyte
Bonnie Soper
Moneesha Barrett
Phil Brown