Set in the landscape of a rural southern town, "George Washington" is a stunning portrait of how a group of young kids come to grips with a hard world of choices and consequences. During an innocent game in an abandoned amusement park, a member of the group dies. Narrated by one of the children, the film follows the kids as they struggle to balance their own ambitions and relationships against a tragic lie.
Donald Holden
Damian Jewan Lee
Curtis Cotton III
Rachael Handy
Candace Evanofski
Paul Schneider
Eddie Rouse
Janet Taylor
Derricka Rolle
Ebony Jones
Jonathan Davidson
Scott Clackum
Beau Nix
Jason Shirley
William Tipton
Balla Keita
Will Janowitz
Shannon Davis
Ryan Morris
Christian Gustaitis
Joyce Mahaffey
Johnny 'Blue' Gardner
Rudy Anderson
Henry Harris
Alan Thompson
Stephanie Grant
Tabitha Bell
Chris Kennedy
Richard Skaggs
Stephen Vazquez
Jocelyn Bond
Kimberley Rogers
Olivia Constance Walker
Yolanda Hairston
Thomas Cormier
Christof Gebert
Clinton Campbell Jr.