Story revolves around a possessed young police woman who seems to be out killing everyone who gets in her way. Her boyfriend, photographer and boss at work are all suspicious of her and are out to find out what's the problem. With a story focusing on possession, vengeful spirits and murder, you're steadily entertained with a flick that manages to keep it's head above water.
Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Kent Tong Chun-Yip
Leanne Liu
Elliot Ngok Wah
Lo Yuen
Chui Gai-Heung
Ming Shih
Teresa Ha Ping
Liu Suk-Yee
Wong Ching-Ho
Chow Kin-Ping
Ng Hong-Sang
Ting Tung
Yat Boon-Chai
Leung Hak-Shun
Ho Pak-Kwong
Fong Ping
Wang Han-Chen
Wong Chi-Kin
Ha Kwok-Wing
Tang Wing-Siu
Alric Ma Siu-Mang
Got Ping
Wan Seung-Lam
Tam Ying
Cheung Chok-Chow
Gam Tin-Chue
Lam Tit-Ching
Cheung Sek-Aau
To Wing-Leung