In a story that follows some lives and their respective reincarnations over time, Valerio is a prince in the year one thousand and a doctor of the S.e.r.t. in the year two thousand. Altea on the other hand is a princess, who after a thousand years was reincarnated as a university student who volunteers as a mission and it also operates in the same S.e.r.t.. Their antagonist, in the past as in the present, is a man who was an alchemist and who today is the evil director of the same hospital where the S.e.r.t. is located. of Valerio and Altea. A rather anomalous director, given that he takes advantage of the cover offered by his position to traffic drugs in a big way. A fourth character is added to the three, Herrmugnen, who in the story embodies the mythological figure of the giant hero.
Alessandra Barzaghi
Marco Bonini
Gianluca Busco
Guglielmo Carbonaro
Michele Cianci
Tano Cimarosa
Barbara De Nuntis
Giada Desideri
Ursula Foti
Cristian Gavioli
Jody Moscato
Franco Oppini
Anna Orso
Edoardo Leo