The "Missing Heart Murders" are plaguing San Francisco - dead bodies that turn up with their hears surgically removed! So a weak-stomached homicide cop looks into the possibilities of a black market for human organs, while across town a man must make a difficult decision regarding his wife, who needs a transplant...
Dave McElhatton
Garry Goodrow
Michael Paul Chan
John Allen Vick
Marjorie Eaton
Charlie Murphy
Ed Vasgersian
Dana Evans
Susan O'Connell
Max Gail
Ray Reinhardt
Anne Macey
Cynthia Lee Brian
Matthew Locricchio
Joe Bellan
Janet McGrath
Bill Ackridge
Robert Behling
Christopher Le Van
Harry D.K. Wong
Robert A. Behling
Mark Wheeler
Fred Ward
Nancy Fish
Cary Bisagna
Drew Eshelman
Charlie Lehman
Steve Eoff
Joy Carlin
Sheldon Feldner
Morgan Upton
Maurice Argent
Buzz Borelli
Allen Newman
Terence McGovern