Milan, racing and alive, is the background to the story of Luca and Mickey, two brothers in their thirties, perennially in conflict and intent on reaching their individual dreams. A dry comedy, which at times is bitter and then fleets to ironic and amusing. Luca, a writer, dreams of making an independent film based on his own script.
Alessandro Sampaoli
Eric Alexander
Silvia Baldo
Camila Raznovich
Franco Sangermano
Andrea Lapi
Liliana Feldmann
Kristen Grove
Kristen Reichert
Sergio Masieri
Monica Pariante
Raffaele Fallica
Gianluca Iacono
Ernesto Maria Rossi
Alberto Mancioppi
Maria Grazia Santarone
Giulia Cailotto
Dario Merlini
Claudio Colombo
Federico Caprara
Massimiliano Zampetti
Angelo Donato Colombo