The District of Columbia Public School system faces many challenges, including insufficient resources and large class sizes. Although DC students live less than ten miles from the Kennedy Center, many have never seen a play. Children Will Listen shows how some committed artists, educators and colege students launched an extraordinary group of kids in a new direction. The program follows 140 students from seven Washington, DC elementary and middle schools as they kick off the Kennedy Center's tribute to Stephen Sondheim with their own production of Into the Woods, Jr. This was, for the students, a rare opportunity to experience the theater both in the classroom and on stage. Guided by the mentorship of four professional artists, the students participated in all aspects of the production and experienced the history and techniques of costume design, set construction, and acting. Meanwhile a second group of students recorded their journey on film, with their professor Charlene Gilbert.
Bernadette Peters
James Lapine
Stephen Sondheim
Rick Thompson
Cheryl Foster
Rosemary Pardee
Jeanette McCune Spencer
Brenda Ordonez
Meghan Washington
Nelson Zhu
Jamir Foster
James Washington
Jaqueline Kyle
Dora Ordonez
Sarah Foster
Yan Ling Chen
Abdiou Carew
Aziz Carew
Thomas Hartmann
Derek Gordon