The "Godfather Of The Kung-Fu Film" created this rousing epic of a seemingly suicidal mission to destroy the Japanese Navy's flagship in 1937, featuring many great actors he had worked with over the years. Their courageous and desperate attempts to do just that comprise the remarkable action in this rousing epic, featuring some of the greatest actors Chang had ever made, was making, and would ever make famous. (IVL)
Tony Liu
Chi Kuan-Chun
David Chiang Da-Wei
Alexander Fu Sheng
Shih Szu
Ti Lung
Bruce Tong Yim-Chaan
Chiang Sheng
Phillip Kwok Chun-Fung
Lu Feng
An Ping
Woo Kei
Shan Mao
Lee Sau-Kei
Lam Fai-Wong
Suen Shu-Pei
Wong Lik
Lo Meng
Yu Tai-Ping
Gam Tin-Chue
Lau Fong-Sai
Hung Ling-Ling
Chan Hung