The story of Maxime, a 33-year-old musician, who has come to find refuge in his father’s home in the town of Tonnerre. There he will have the joy and the bad luck of meeting Mélodie, a 21-year-old girl trapped by her love for her childhood sweetheart. One and the other will not experience the same story at the same time, which will trigger a series of incidents.
Vincent Macaigne
Solène Rigot
Bernard Ménez
Jonas Bloquet
Christine Fagiolini
Vincent Chavanes
Eric Dampt
Hervé Dampt
Emmanuel Dampt
Thierry de Fontenay
Alexandra Gibier
Bernard Malardier
Marie Anne Guerin
Rose Dampt
Lisa Dampt
Blanche Dampt
Olivier Kapo
Cedric Hengbart
Lucie Philippot
Eric Vincent
Doumba Bamba
Edgar Kilong Boby
Patrick Ciacnoghi
Nicolas Devilliers
Nathalie Japiot
Antoine Lepetit
Olivier Guerbois